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Vrijeme: 2022-08-25 Hits: 11

The loop rotaryfittings can be connected according to the working condition. The transmission medium entrance can be free to choose the side or back end to enter according to the working conditions. The sealing surface and sealing ring are made of special materials, resistant to wear, long service life, corrosion resistance and no leakage. There are two precision bearings inside the rotaryfittings, stable and durable operation, strong and flexible, small friction coefficient, so it can run at high speed. Internal seal wear condition can be known by visual inspection of product appearance, can prevent mechanical stop or mechanical damage, to achieve the effect of prevention and reduce losses. Easy replacement and maintenance of seal wear, no need to buy new products, cost saving. Single loop series rotaryfittings: to meet the needs of various industries at home and abroad, fluid medium water, steam, oil, Air, vacuum cutting fluid Coolant, toluene and other chemical solvents.



Single loop rotaryfittings

Single loop rotaryfittings can be connected according to the working situation. The transmission medium entrance can be free to choose the side or back end to enter according to the working conditions. The sealing surface and sealing ring are made of special materials, resistant to wear, long service life, corrosion resistance and no leakage. There are 2 precision bearings inside the rotaryfittings, stable and durable operation, strong and flexible, small friction coefficient, so it can run at high speed. Internal seal wear condition can be known by visual inspection of product appearance, can prevent mechanical stop or mechanical damage, to achieve the effect of prevention and reduce losses. Easy replacement and maintenance of seal wear, no need to buy new products, cost saving.

Double circuit rotaryfittings

This type of rotaryfittings can be divided into double circuit fixed type and double circuit rotary type rotaryfittings. The sealing surface and sealing ring are made of special materials, resistant to wear, long service life, corrosion resistance and no leakage. Internal seal wear condition can be known by visual inspection of product appearance, can prevent mechanical downtime or mechanical damage, to prevent the effect and reduce losses. There is an independent pipeline, can make different work requirements to make choices, to give full play to the benefits. The shell and shaft are supported by precision bearings, so that the rotation is flexible and light, small friction, liquid media can include water, oil, air, etc., widely used in the industry. Easy replacement and maintenance of seal wear, no need to buy new products, cost saving.