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Kako očistiti vodove u hidrauličnom sistemu

Vrijeme: 2022-09-02 Hits: 11

Line cleaning

In order to ensure the cleanliness of the lubrication system and supply clean grease to the bearings of machinery and equipment, the pre-installed pipeline must be removed and cleaned. Cleaning has two kinds of kerosene cleaning and acid cleaning.


Fold 1. Kerosene cleaning object and method

(1) copper pipe, stainless steel pipe;


(2) Steel pipes that have been pickling before pre-installation and have no corrosion or iron sheet on the inner wall;


(3) Pipefitinge that get dirty during pre loading;


(4) Remove the pipe andfitinge to be cleaned, wipe the pipe with a cloth (without removing the wool yarn) and rub the pipe with kerosene, soak the two ends and thefitinge in kerosene and clean, then coat the pipe with oil or fill it with grease, and the two ends are sealed and ready for installation;


(5) After cleaning, there shall be no visible pollutants (such as iron filings, fibrous impurities, welding slag, etc.). Special attention should be paid to the inner wall of the welding place. The welding slag must be thoroughly cleaned.


Fold 2. Acid wash the object

(1) Steel pipe without pickling before pre-installation;


(2) Although it has been pickling, but serious corrosion of steel pipe.


saviti  3.Pickling construction sequence and processing purpose


(1) The degreasing agent is used to remove the grease adhered to the piping;


(2) Wash with water to remove dirt on the pipe;


(3) Rust removal in the acid wash to remove rust spots on the pipe wall, rolled iron chips, etc.;


(4) Water washing and high-pressure water washing the attachments generated in the above operations shall be washed with clean water, and the inside of the pipe shall be washed with high-pressure water;


(5) Neutralize the residual acid on the pipe with lye;


(6) Drying In order to effectively dry the pipe should be immersed in hot water or steam drying, should make the pipe dry;


(7) rust;


(8) Check whether the pipe after pickling is cleaned;


(9) After packaging and storage, the open part of the tube should be sealed with plastic or plastic tape immediately to prevent foreign bodies and water from invading.


Fold 4. Precautions for pickling

(1) Pipe welding has been completed before pickling;


(2) During disassembly, transportation and pickling, pay attention not to touch the pipeline, thread and sealing surface, and block the sealing with tape or plastic pipe;


(3) Before pickling, the welding slag, spatter and varnish on the pipe should be cleaned;


(4) each thread part of the application of plastic belt, rubber belt and other acid-resistant materials to protect, or in degreasing, washing after the thread is coated with dry oil and then rust in the acid, to prevent acid erosion;


(5) Pay attention not to make the matching mark of the pipe disappear or blur when pickling.